Status Effects are ailments that effect your Character both in and out of Combat, and are divided by Colour:
Poison - Character or creature takes 5 damage every turn, stays until removed, stays after battle.
Anti Yellow - Prevents Character or creature from using Yellow Elements for four turns.
Sick - Character or creature can only hit target once per turn, can't use Elements, stays until removed.
Burn - Character or creature takes 5 damage per turn, stays until removed, stays after battle.
Anti Blue - Prevents Character or creature from using Blue Elements for four turns.
Confused - Character or creature can only hit once per turn, can't use Elements, stays until removed.
Sprain - Character or creature can't Attack, can still use Elements, stays until removed.
Anti Green - Prevents Character or creature from using Green Elements for four turns.
Dizzy - Character or creature can only hit once per turn, can't use Elements, stays until removed.
Fear - Character or creature can't Attack or use Attack Elements, stays until removed.
Anti White - Prevents Character or creature from using White Elements for four turns.
Cursed - Character or creature can't use Elements, stays until removed.
Flu - Character or creature can only hit once per turn, can't use Elements, stays until removed.
Anti Red - Prevents Character or creature from using Red Elements for four turns.
Frozen - Character or creature can take no action for four turns.
Fatigued - Character or creature will fall Asleep after two turns.
Asleep - Character or creature can take no action for four turns.
Anti Black - Prevents Character or creature from using Black Elements for four turns.