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News And Announcements / Staff Members Needed
« Last post by 1337F0X on August 18, 2017, 04:41:39 pm »
Experienced staff members needed to help run the site as well as organize events and meet ups. If interested please PM the Admin.
News And Announcements / We have a Facebook Group.
« Last post by 1337F0X on August 12, 2017, 11:20:06 am »
Just as the titles says we now have a Facebook Group which can be found here:
Introductions, Goodbyes and Character Sheets / Greetings and Bienvenue
« Last post by 1337F0X on August 11, 2017, 01:29:05 pm »
Hello everyone I am your Admin 1337F0X. Unlike some LARP Admins I won't just sit behind the scenes settling  disputes and coming up with activities to be had at events but from time to time I will actively participate in the events! But don't worry I won't hord good spots and item locations. I will be there to have fun just like everyone else.

My Character Sheet:

Name: Simon Fray

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Weapon of Choice: Sword

Innate Elemental Colour: Blue

Profession: Adventurer

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 10
Defence: 10
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defence: 11
Number of Elements: 4

Starting Element: Nine Blades - Single Enemy - deals Attack and Magic attack combined.
News And Announcements / Open but still under construction
« Last post by 1337F0X on August 11, 2017, 12:30:58 pm »
Welcome all to Chrono World! Please note that although the site is open its still under construction so some features have yet to be added/discussed as experienced staff members have yet to be found.
More Information / Weapons and Equipment
« Last post by 1337F0X on August 11, 2017, 11:41:53 am »
*Please note that all weapons must be made of foam or other soft materials during play to prevent injury.

Weapons increase your characters Attack and there are eleven types of Weapons:

1. Swords

2. Swallows

3. Hammers/Axes

4. Throwing

5. Arrows

6. Postals

7. Daggers

8. Staves

9. Utensils

10. Rods

11. Instruments

There are three types of Equipment your Character can wear:

1. Helmets

2. Armor

3. Trinkets

Helmets and Armor increase your Defence while Trinkets give your Character abilities such as Increased Magic Attack/Defense, Increased HP, Immunity to Status Effects, and Resistance to Element Colours.

Depending on the Material a Weapon or piece of Equipment is made from the stronger it is:

• Silk Armor +5 Defence

• Leather Helmets +5 Defence

• Leather Armor +10 Defence

• Bone Weapons +5 Attack

• Bronze Helmets +10 Defence

• Bronze Armor +15 Defence

• Bronze Weapons +20 Attack

• Ivory Helmets +15 Defence

• Ivory Armor +20 Defence

• Ivory Weapons +25 Attack

• Iron Helmets +35 Defence

• Iron Armor +40 Defence

• Iron Weapons +45 Attack

• Steel Helmets +40 Defence

• Steel Armor +45 Defence

• Steel Weapons +50 Attack

• Silver Helmets +60 Defence

• Silver Armor +65 Defence

• Silver Weapons +70 Attack

• Mythril Helmets +80 Defence

• Mythril Armor +85 Defence

• Mythril Weapons +90 Attack

• Rainbow Helmets +95 Defence

• Rainbow Armor +100 Defence

• Rainbow Weapons +115 Attack

All Characters start with a Bone Weapon.

*Note: There are some Weapons and Equipment that can be found that are not made from the materials listed.

More Information / Groups
« Last post by 1337F0X on March 07, 2017, 12:49:36 pm »
Just like in Chrono Cross your Character can team up with others to form groups of three for combat. Your Character is free to travel in groups larger than three but only three people may enter one combat at a time and only those who enter combat may gain XP and Loot. The exception to this rule is if you are fighting someone of a rival faction within your factions territory in which case you may form groups of five.

Be careful, though Characters can only fight in groups of three, Monsters and Animals can attack in groups of five.
Important! / Please Read Before Joining
« Last post by 1337F0X on March 03, 2017, 08:41:09 pm »
Welcome to Chrono World a Fantasy Adventure LARP (Live Action Role Play) group based on the Square Enix game Chrono Cross. As such it includes Medieval and Steampunk elements.

I'm sorry to say that this Group is currently only for people living in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) in Ontario Canada right now. However if you feel like joining in on the fun feel free to start a branch in your location and start a Topic about It in the Other Areas section after creating your account!

For those not familiar with the game Chrono Cross or LARPing in general I would suggest checking out the other Topics on the previous Page so you can get a run down on how things work before creating your Character.

Once you have created your Character and have arrived at one of the LARPing Events remember to have Fun! And while you're out adventuring keep your ears and eyes open for clues that might lead you to The Frozen Flame or The Chrono Cross. Two Ultimate Elements of Untold Power!

Also did I mention that this LARP Group is Free!
More Information / Basic Element names and effects
« Last post by 1337F0X on March 03, 2017, 12:45:21 pm »
Here are all the Basic Elements you can find and use.

Spoiler (hover to show)

Spoiler (hover to show)

Spoiler (hover to show)

Spoiler (hover to show)

Spoiler (hover to show)

Spoiler (hover to show)
Important! / Creating a Character
« Last post by 1337F0X on March 02, 2017, 06:51:15 pm »
To create a Character you must fill out the following Character Sheet, if you are unsure how to fill out parts of the sheet look bellow for more information on each part.

Character Sheet:


(Human or Demi-Human)


Weapon of Choice:

Innate Elemental Colour:
(Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White or Black)

Chose your Elemental Colour wisely as you can't change it without completely resetting your Character and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. See Elements page for more info.


Starting Stats:




Magic Attack:

Magic Defence:

Number of Elements:

Personal Element:

More Info:


Your Character's Name is what you will be called during Play. Please no profanity.


Humans are regular people with nothing special about them.

Demi-Humans are Non-Human Humanoids; I.e. Mermaids, Fairies, Goblins, Dwarves, Shark/Fish People, Lizard People, Cat People and Dog People.


Kind of self explanatory but your Character's gender doesn't have to be the same as yours

Weapon of Choice:

There are eleven types of Weapons that Characters can use:

1. Swords

2. Swallows

3. Hammers/Axes

4. Throwing

5. Arrows

6. Pistols

7. Daggers

8. Staves

9. Untensils

10. Rods

11. Instruments

You should be careful when choosing the Weapon type for your character because he/she will be restricted to that type. Though the choice of weapon might seem unimportant at first, there might be certain events or items that require a specific weapon type in order to interact with it.

Innate Elemental Colour:

You want to choose an Innate Colour that best defines your play style. While anyone may use any Basic Element of any Colour, Characters who cast Elements that match their Innate Colour have the Element's effects doubled. Characters are also resistant to Elements of their own Colour, only taking half damage, but are weak against the opposite Colour.


In Chrono World everyone has a Profession and there are eleven open to your Character:


The Adventurer is a well-rounded Profession and is a good choice for first time LARPers.

Starting Statats:

HP: 100
Attack: 10
Defence: 10
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defence: 11
Number of Elements: 4


Entertainers include Minstrels, Bards, Dancers, and Actors who can use their talents to destract enemies.

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 10
Defence: 9
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defence: 11
Number of Elements: 5


Thieves are stealthy and can lockpick chests and doors without needing a key.

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 11
Defence: 8
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defence: 10
Number of Elements: 5


Smiths can forge Weapons and Equipment from materials found as Loot or in chests.

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 13
Defence: 11
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defence: 9
Number of Elements: 5


Priests and Priestesses are spiritualists with an infinity to see what is hidden and gain a Magic Attack Bonus of +5 When fighting the Undead.

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 10
Defence: 8
Magic Attack: 13
Magic Defence: 13
Number of Elements: 6


Warriors are strong physical fighters and gain an Attack Bonus of +5 when fighting Humanoids.

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 12
Defence: 12
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defence: 10
Number of Elements: 5


Monks can hold their own in a fight but prefer not to and can restore an extra 10 HP when using Healing Elements.

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 11
Defence: 10
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defence: 12
Number of Elements: 6


Mages are masters of the arcane, delving into the unknown and gain a Magic Attack Bonus of +10 when fighting Demons.

Starting Stats:

Attack: 9
Defence: 8
Magic Attack: 15
Magic Defence: 14
Number of Elements: 6


Cooks are good at making food from Meat and Vegetables that can be found as Loot or in chests to heal HP outside of Combat.

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 10
Defence: 9
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defence: 11
Number of Elements: 4


Fishermen are good at catching fish and other stuff in the water and gain an Attack Bonus of +5 when fighting Marine enemies.

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 11
Defence: 10
Magic Attack 11
Magic Defence: 11
Number of Elements: 4


Hunters: know the wild like the back of their hand and gain an Attack Bonus of +5 when fighting Animals.

Starting Stats:

HP: 100
Attack: 12
Defence: 11
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defence: 12
Number of Elements: 5

Personal Element: *See Elements*
Important! / Elements
« Last post by 1337F0X on March 02, 2017, 05:02:48 pm »
Elements are the spells and healing items represented by coloured beanbags. There are six different Colour categories that Elements fall into: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White and Black. Each Elemental Colour also has an opposite:

Red and Blue

Yellow and Green

White and Black

Apart from Colour, Elements are also divided into categories based on who can use them. These include:

Basic Element that can be used by everyone.

Personal Elements that can only be used by one character or creature and are that Character or creature's Innate Colour.

Allegiance Elements that can only be used by Characters who are members of a certain faction and form to a Characters Innate Colour.

All Elements, regardless of who can use them either Deal Damage, Inflict Status Effects, Heal Damage, Remove Status Effects, temporarily Increase/Decrease a Character or creature's Stats or effect the Battle Field. Also each Element can only be used once per combat but a Character or creature can hold more than one of the same Basic Element and each element can be used in multiple battles. Healing Elements can be used outside of Combat to heal HP before moving on.

At Level 1 each Character can only hold so many Elements on them during battle. However the number Elements they can hold increase depending on their Level and Profession. The number of Elements a Character can hold increases by one every three levels.

At Level 1 Adventurers, Cooks and Fishermen can hold a total of four Elements: Three Basic Elements plus their Personal Element.

At Level 1 Entertainers, Smiths, Theives, and Hunters can hold a total of five Elements: Four Basic Elements plus their Personal Element.

At Level 1 Monks, Priests/Priestesses and Mage's can hold a total of six Elements: Five Basic Elements plus their Personal Element.

Characters can have a total of three Personal Elements. They start with one and unlock the other two at as they level up. They unlock their second one at Level 25 and third one at level 75.

All Personal Elements must conform to the following standards:

1. Starting and second Personal Elements can either heal or do damage, not both. However your third can do both if you with.

2. If dealing damage your Personal Elements can't deal more than your Attack and Magic Attack combined (with the exception of Colour weakness and Elemntal Damage Multiplication), and your first one can only hit one target. Your second and third one are free to hit all targets.

3. If Healing Damage or removing Status Effects your starting Personal Element can only effect one Target and can only heal half their HP or remove one Status Effect. Your second one can either remove all Status Effects or Heal all targets by two thirds of their HP. Your third is free to remove all Status Effects and Heal all targets to max HP if you wish.

4. If increasing or decreasing Stats your starting one can only effect one target and only by half or double the specific Stat. Your second and third are free to effects all targets but still only by half or double the specific Stat.

5. No profanity in its name.

6. Its name should make sense to your Character. I.e. If your Character's a Warrior don't call it something like "Cook Up".

7. Personal Elements must be the same Element Colour as your Innate Colour.
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